DBA Newsletter – March 2018

CHOOSING THE RIGHT LAWYER AND ETHICAL CONCERNS A person who believes they have a cause of action under the laws of the United States has the right to hire a lawyer to represent their interests.  It is very important that you hire a lawyer that not only has the necessary experience and skills you need, but someone you can trust …


SELECCIONANDO EL ABOGADO CORRECTO Y LAS PREOCUPACIONES ÉTICAS Una persona que crea tener una causa de acción bajo las leyes de los Estados Unidos tiene derecho a contratar a un abogado que represente sus intereses.  Es muy importante contratar un abogado que no solo tenga la experiencia y las habilidades necesarias que usted necesita, sino que sea alguien en quien …

FDA Okays Brain Injury Blood Test

FDA Okays Brain Injury Blood Test

In a potentially significant development for private military contractors who sustain Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) in Afghanistan and elsewhere, the Food and Drug Administration issued final approval for a diagnosis system that uses a blood sample. Banyan Biomarkers developed a test which measures blood protein levels that are associated with “brain bleeding” and other head injuries. Doctors must draw blood …

PTSD Victims May Obtain DBA Compensation

PTSD Victims May Obtain DBA Compensation

In a previous post, we covered Landry v. KBR’s implications for burn pit victims. That same case also has tremendous meaning for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder victims. During her service in Mosul, Specialist Veronica Landry dealt with many traumatic events, even though she was a morale officer who organized karaoke sing-alongs and other events. At one such party, enemy mortar …

New U.S. Embassy in London Nears Completion

New U.S. Embassy in London Nears Completion

An imposing structure that some pundits have dubbed the “sugar cube,” and also happens to be one of the costliest facilities of its kind, is set to open in January of 2018, thanks to an army of construction workers. Considering infrastructure, construction, landscaping, and all other costs, the new United States Embassy in London, which is on the banks of …