World-Wide Attorneys

In handling Defense Base Act claims both nationally and internationally, we very often do not see our clients until a deposition, Mediation or trial is scheduled. While our office is well equipped to handle both national and international claims through telephone contact, email, and Skype due to the nature of the practice, discovery and litigation are commenced while we are in …

Siempre Este con la Verdad

Todo el mundo ha oído esta máxima en un momento u otro. Esto es particularmente cierto en el contexto de su caso. Muchas veces, debido a las confusas circunstancias que rodean a una lesión, el tiempo, o simplemente la mala memoria, las historias cambian. Lo que una persona no quiere que suceda es ser acusado es mentir al tribunal. Por …

Meeting Your Attorney

Our firm represents injured workers from around the world in their Defense Base Act claims. Modern technology makes this possible, and helps overcome some of the more traditional logistical problems associated with a worldwide client base. If you live in the United States, our attorneys will travel to your location for mediation and trial. Our U.S. clients also have the …

Beneficios de Compensación

En los casos en que la compañía de seguro está negando el pago de beneficios de compensación, nuestros clientes se encuentran en una situación financiera difícil. A menudo, nuestros clientes se preocupan de que si se involucran en cualquier empleo esto puede anular su derecho a beneficios de compensación bajo la Ley de la Defensa. Sin embargo, un individuo, a …

Compensation Benefits!

In cases where the insurance companying is denying the payment of compensation benefits, our clients are placed in a difficult financial situation. They are also often concerned that if they engage in any employment that this may negate their entitlement to compensation benefits under the Defense Base Act. However, an individual, even though they are working, may still be entitled …